Black Friday Facebook Ads: Double Team Strategy 2021
Still finalizing your Black Friday ad setup? Got all your offers and ads ready to go but not sure where to start? Here is the main setup I will be using for our clients this year based on over $30m in ad spend and 7 years' experience running Facebook Ads as well as the success of the same strategy last year, ADAPTED and updated now to account for iOS14.5. This could be the best money you spend this whole BFCM! You will get:
Detailed breakdown of setup for each campaign with audiences, exclusions and other recommendations
Guidance on what budget splits to deploy
Tips on scaling to max out revenue from your sale
Some essential post-iOS14.5 pitfalls to beware of!
A simplified setup for brands spending <500 a day over the sale period
PLUS Limited time bonus section for anyone paying £10+ Top Audience Ideas
This content is worth thousands but I am letting you decide what it's worth to you and your business and pay what you want (please bear in mind I just had a new baby and nappies/diapers are expensive!).
Enjoy, I look forward to any feedback and I wish you the best of luck with your BFCM ads this year.